Tips For Tech Writers Tired of Working from Home

Kesi Parker
Technical Writing is Easy
3 min readSep 4, 2020

FAQ on Technical Writing

It has been a long run with the pandemic for the whole world. And, it is not over just yet. We got some offices reopening, others still keeping employees on the work-from-home type of schedule.

Months upon months of remote work can lead to two things — you either adapt successfully or roll with the punches just getting by and expecting for this whole thing to be over soon. People who find the second approach relatable are more prone to WFH burnout. Especially, considering how long it has been…Let’s see what measures you can take to feel less tired of working from home.

Taking into consideration that freelance workers work remotely at all times, this article will be useful for them, as well.

Set Boundaries

You need to learn to set up healthy boundaries and to maintain them. For the WFH conundrum, I’d single out two types of boundaries you need to be mindful of:

  • Work/personal life
  • Work/family

By the first type of boundaries I mean the fact that you should be able to separate life from work.

Follow the schedule. Your workday ends at 6 pm, so let it end! Unless you really need to overtime, don’t even think of working in your free time. When you are in the office, this line is clearly visible, but you can lose track of it working remotely.

Not everyone has a place to work from conveniently at home. You need to take time and organize one for yourself. Of course, it can be tougher for people with children, for example. But, talking to your family openly about your need for a workspace can solve this.

And, you will have to maintain the boundaries for as long as it takes. A healthy boundaries check should be a recurrent ‘event’ in your schedule.

When you are working from home you might feel like you are not productive enough. This is due to the fact that you can always do more — you are always near your workplace. Don’t give in to these thoughts and be on your normal schedule.

Stay Active

Working from home can turn anyone into a couch potato. Don’t let this get to you! Home exercises are great, but I would encourage you to think big on this one — a lot of opportunities are open to you from home thanks to technology. Also, you are saving time not commuting to work, so, it can be used for something awesome.

Healthy food can be part of your ‘staying active’ plan, too. Finally, you can start cooking more since you are kind of close to the kitchen now at all times. Secondly, choosing to eat healthy will automatically provide your body and mind with the right nutrients to keep activity up.

Stay Connected

Disconnect from the world can be a stressful thing, but it can be avoided. Facetime might not be equivalent to real-life interactions, but it will suffice to keep you socialized.

Turning on web cameras on a call might seem like a minor thing, but it actually feels more real to your brain, then talking to blank squares.

We got used to online birthdays and events. But if you still feel like you lack communication, face time more!

If the lockdown is lifted where you are at, then, getting outside and meeting people when your workday is over is an awesome opportunity not to feel stuck in the apartment.


One big problem with burnout is you may not know it is coming until it is already there. So, your task is not to let it happen. Be kind to yourself and take the time to listen to what your body and mind are saying to you.

If you find the right balance, you will be able to stay productive and actually enjoy all the extra time you get to spend at home!



Kesi Parker
Technical Writing is Easy

Job position: Freelance Technical Writer. Read my FAQ to learn more about me!