Top TV Shows for Techies

Kesi Parker
Technical Writing is Easy
4 min readJun 26, 2020

FAQ on Technical Writing

As a technical person, I like to read books on tech subjects (depending on the project I’m currently working on), or technical writing in general — something connected to my current life affairs.

The same goes for movies and TV shows. I like it when things feel relevant, there’s something special about this. Like, I really enjoyed ‘The Office’, and though it is about sales people, the office life is shown brilliantly.

So, I decided to come up with a list of TV shows that the techcomm community would potentially like. Here’s my list of series about technology and geek-culture:

Big Bang Theory (2007–2019)

I honestly don’t know a person who has never watched at least an episode of this series. This is the geek culture in a nutshell for me. Also, this is one of the shows that actually made it more popular in real life by erasing some stigma connected with the idea of being a ‘nerd’.

If, by any chance, you missed this gem — first, I am jealous since you have an awesome show to catch up on, second, go watch it :)

Tech writers involved in physics, astrophysics, neurobiology, chemistry, space engineering will have a blast I am sure.

Westworld (2016-present)

This is a remake of a 70s sci-fi series. The plot is built around AI and virtual reality. It was a popular theme in the 70s, and now it is reintroduced in Westworld at just the right time with AI technology finally entering our lives so broadly.

I personally know technical writers working in AI development, and I wonder what they would say about Westworld since it is clearly a sci-fi project. Yet I am curious if some machine learning examples could be based on real experience of working with AI.

Rick and Morty (2013-present)

More sci-fi! This time it is a comedy. This series is like a crazier and darker version of Futurama.

An insane scientist is leading the TV show and bringing in all kinds of futuristic techy stuff like dream inceptors, portal guns, shrink rays, combat suites and even love potions! Here’s a great article where you can find scientific explanations for each device — Ah Jeez! Exploring The Facts Behind Rick and Morty’s Coolest Gadgets.

Mr. Robot (2015–2019)

A physiological drama with a ‘Fight Club’ vibe. A huge hit about hackers and cybersecurity in general. It is made in the way that anyone could understand what is going on, but tech writers working in cybersecurity or writing software documentation will understand more about the underlying technology. IT background adds depth to understanding narration for sure.

The team of people working on the series involved professional consultants overseeing technical stuff. So, they claim that the show is 99% accurate in terms of software, coding and hacks. We have a history of movies showcasing hacking top security systems in Internet Explorer, so to finally have something authentic is awesome.

Person of Interest (2011–2016)

This is a criminal drama about a supercomputer set in New York. There’s a ‘machine’ that tracks every citizen through all means available — street cameras, phone calls, location tracking, Internet access points, pages browsed. And the ‘machine’ can predict when a crime is going to take place. The only thing it doesn’t know is whether a person of interest is a victim or a perpetrator.

A very exciting show to watch, especially for techy people — and, you know, although there’s no such machine yet, most of the technology is already there — voice and speech recognition, all kinds of trackers, face recognition (even people wearing masks are getting recognized now). Will we have such a device built in real life?

The IT Crowd (2006–2013)

Now, this is a classic series that every tech person will find relatable. If you like British humor — you are going to enjoy this one a lot, too.

It shows how it can be difficult sometimes for technical specialists to find a common ground with non-technical people. Fun fact — the sitcom was filmed in front of a real audience, it adds a lot to the atmosphere.

Any great TV shows you think technical people will like I am missing here? Share them in the comments.



Kesi Parker
Technical Writing is Easy

Job position: Freelance Technical Writer. Read my FAQ to learn more about me!