Who Is an API Technical Writer?

Kesi Parker
Technical Writing is Easy
3 min readJul 14, 2022

FAQ on Technical Writing

If you think that technical writers do the same things and write the same types of documentation, you are wrong. There are so many spheres that hire technical writers: healthcare, IT, banking, aerospace, engineering, manufacturing, etc. Technical writers from different spheres have different backgrounds and knowledge. They do different tasks. Let’s discuss what API technical writers do and what background they have.

What Is API?

First, let’s figure out what API (Application Programming Interface) is. It is a piece of code that enables two different software products to work together and communicate with each other. If this definition sounds too abstract, have a look at the following examples: many websites offer PayPal as a payment option — this is an API integration; if you use Skyscanner to buy tickets, you are using an API integration as well — Skyscanner gets the information from the internal systems of various airlines. So, end-users get numerous benefits from cooperation like that.

What Does an API Technical Writer Do?

The main task of an API technical writer is to explain the features of an API and describe the use cases. The main goals are to show what problems an API can solve, how it can be implemented, and what benefits it will give. The target audience is software developers and engineers. They must know why they should choose this very API and how to use its features correctly. As API documentation is meant for tech-savvy audiences, it has a lot of special characteristics:

  • It is short and clear. Developers don’t have much time to read useless texts.
  • It contains a lot of code samples. Sometimes, code samples are the most important parts of API documentation.
  • Its language can be rather complicated as it is meant for developers, not for end-users.
  • Contains tutorials and other learning materials on how to use API.

What Skills Should an API Technical Writer Have?

An experienced API technical writer is a rare specialist. The main problem is that not every technical writer is able to become an API technical writer. This occupation requires deep and profound knowledge of programming languages and the ability to explain things to a very special audience — software developers and engineers. A former developer can become a good API technical writer. But you should keep in mind that not every developer has writing skills. Not all of them like writing and explaining things. The occupation of an API technical writer combines totally different sets of skills, that’s why it is hard to become one.

What Are Basic Qualifications?

Here are the basic requirements that will enable you to become an API technical writer:

  • Knowledge of 2–3 programming languages
  • Experience writing docs for developers
  • A portfolio demonstrating the above-mentioned skills.

High-quality API documentation increases API adoption: the better the docs are, the easier it is to use API. If you enjoy programming, technical writing, and explaining complicated things, you can start your career in this field. Apart from that, learning and acquiring new skills is a must in this sphere.

How did I become a technical writer? What skills do you need? Read FAQ on Technical Writing.



Kesi Parker
Technical Writing is Easy

Job position: Freelance Technical Writer. Read my FAQ to learn more about me!