Image Credit: NASA

NASA aims to mine the Moon regolith for Oxygen with the help of a Startup

Under the banner of the Artemis program, it is funding various startups for Sustained Lunar Exploration & Development mission


After a hiatus of many years, the premier space agency NASA has kick-started the space race again. It was only recently that I wrote about three ambitious Mars exploration missions being sent by the U.S, China & the UAE. As a human presence on the Red planet inches ever closer to reality with the help of Private corporations like SpaceX — NASA is headed back to the Moon to create a base camp for any eventual missions into Deep space including Mars.

According to the proposed Artemis program, NASA’s greater ambitions not only include sending man back to the moon but a sustained Lunar exploration & development base camp, which also includes sending the first woman to the Moon by as early as 2024. Undertaking such an endeavor would take a longer timeline, that’s why the space agency has roped in startups to help it achieve these goals.

Traditionally, NASA awards millions of dollars a year to a lot of small companies under the auspices of the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program. This time around, however, it has awarded $17 million to only four companies…



Faisal Khan

A devout futurist keeping a keen eye on the latest in Emerging Tech, Global Economy, Space, Science, Cryptocurrencies & more