“YES YES To Robots!” My Response

Emily Mcclinsey
Technology and the Future of Work
2 min readOct 2, 2018

A very interesting blog I read was written by Marial Malik, who researched a lot about life with robots in the future. When beginning my own blog, this was something I was very interested in.

When reading their blog, one post I was very interested in was “Yes Yes To Robots!” It talks about how there are many out there who are against robots, but if we look at the big picture, having advanced technology and robots could be very beneficial.

“Many people look at the negative side of an invention that can make everyone’s life so much easier and yes I’m talking about robotic world! When phones came out people were so excited about them, in fact they have became the most common technology being used nowadays, so why not give robots and advanced machines a chance?” -Marial

This is a very interesting and true question. For example, every time a new iPhone comes out, everyone goes crazy. They are willing to pay hundreds of dollars for these phones, so what’s wrong with these other advanced machines?

People waiting outside of Apple the day the iPhone 6 came out.

This applies to my topic of research as well. Like Marial said, “..why not give robots and advanced machines a chance?” We should give these robots in the medical field a chance because not only they could be a huge help to all doctors/surgeons/nurses, they could be very beneficial to the patient with quicker recovery time, and less invasive surgeries.

So I agree, yes yes to robots!

Works Cited

Malik, M (2018, September). YES YES To Robots!. Retrieved from https://medium.com/robots-taking-over/yes-yes-to-robots-4a3919e027bf

