Can AI Write Poetry? — Look at the Examples to Decide

I tried the WordHero’s poem writing tool

Kirsty Kendall
Technology Hits


Can AI Write Poetry — A Woman with a City Panorama and Internet Icons on a White Background
Getty Images/Canva

Can AI write poetry? I tried the AI writing assistant WordHero to find out. The results were surprising.

The AI was able to create poems that were both descriptive and emotive. At least some of them were. The AI didn’t nail it every time, but when it did, the result was much better than I thought.

Look at the AI poems I generated and decide for yourself.

Disclosure: This post contains referral links. I may earn a commission if you use my links to purchase WordHero. No extra costs to you.

I was against AI writing assistants, but my workload changed my mind

A while ago, I was against AI writing assistants. When I read about other writers using them, I had mixed feelings. Like, are robots doing the writing these days?

But my workload of endless content writing changed my mind. I had to admit I couldn’t write enough blog posts alone to make a living.

I experimented with the Jasper AI writing assistant the whole writing community is raving about. I was surprised by how good it was. At the same time, I had to admit paying $59 a month for it was too much.



Kirsty Kendall
Technology Hits

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