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The Magic Ingredient in my iPad Pro Setup

It’s not the Magic Keyboard Case

Akshay Gajria
Published in
7 min readJul 11, 2021


Story Time:

When I first bought my iPad Pro 2018, it ran iOS 12. I got a Bluetooth keyboard attached to it and I grew adept at using keyboard shortcuts. But there were still certain tasks that required me to lift my hand and touch the screen. There was no getting around the fact that the iPad was a touch first tablet. This led to a lot of hand fatigue and breaks in flow.

Come iPadOS 13.3, we got mouse support. I instantly got a simple, inexpensive mouse: the Logitech Pebble. It served me well for a year. It’s small, portable and the battery never ran out in the many months I used it. I set the click wheel to open the multitasking menu and everything worked as well as it should.

But there was something missing. That Apple magic was lost. While scrolling with the wheel was possible, it was choppy. I defaulted to using my finger to swipe up so I could use the 120hz refresh rate on the iPad Pro to give me that sweet, silky smooth scrolling. If I didn’t want to lift my finger to the screen, I led the pointer to the side of the window and grabbed the scroll bar and pulled it down. All of it felt insufficient. While I considered getting a Magic Mouse, the abysmal charging situation did not appeal to me. It wasn’t helped because whenever I’ve…

