From iPad to an Android Tablet

As a long-time Apple ecosystem member, introducing an Android device has been surprisingly welcoming.

Paul Alvarez


My new Android tablet.

My systems are changing quite a bit this year. That is the main reason why my writing has been lacking for the last couple of months. I am beginning with all this to say that I am planning on talking about a new tool or gadget in this post, but that doesn’t mean systems have not been the main focus for me this year. I will follow up later in the year on how my theme is going, but my sleep, eating habits, journaling, and being more present at home have improved greatly over the last few months.

Since the beginning of the year my son, and usually my wife and I have also gotten sick twice. This not only throws our work and home routines out the window but I am also met with figuring out ways of doing things differently at home. For instance, my iPad Pro became my son’s iPad to try and keep him in bed for long periods as he fights a fever, which means I don’t have an iPad.



Paul Alvarez

Full-time job in IT, all the time husband, and Dad to two son and two cats. I also like to write.