2020 M1 MacBook Air Review

Simple Yet So Powerful

Paul Alvarez


Low light of a half closed M1 MacBook Air on wooden desk.
2020 M1 MacBook Air

Since I decided on Starting from Scratch I have been thinking a lot about my setup and if I wanted something stationary or mobile. After reviewing the iMac a few months ago I was convinced that, when I had the opportunity, I would get one. When that opportunity finally came; I didn’t pull the trigger.

I have always had a stronger appeal for laptops. The fact that you can take and use your computer anywhere is pure convenience. There are downsides sometime like less performance, higher costs, and battery life but the convenience, for me, outweighs the downsides.

The main reason why I didn’t go with a iMac and instead leaned more towards a laptop was my new desk setup at my new house. I plan to do a full overview of my new workspace but I ended up getting a really nice standing desk that wasn’t setup for an all-in-one.

I like to keep things minimal and clean and a iMac would make my new desk setup feel cramped, especially since I have my desk facing a window into my backyard. So, a laptop was going to be the direction I decided on. Now, the only question was: what laptop?

Before the M1 announcement by Apple, I was already thinking of getting a MacBook Air. I knew I could get one cheaper than the MacBook Pros, and felt that the Air was enough for what I needed…



Paul Alvarez

Full-time job in IT, all the time husband, and Dad to two son and two cats. I also like to write.