Write for “TechUnlockers”

Join the team

Nico Zwaneveld



Please do not contact me via email or leave a comment asking me to be a writer. This article explains how you can become a writer for this publication. (Email requests will not be considered.)

Photo by Super Snapper on Unsplash


Hello and welcome to “TechUnlockers.”

We know how challenging it can be for (new) writers to establish themselves on the Medium platform. Any writer can join TechUnlockers as long as they follow the guidelines and respect our feedback. We try to review submitted articles within 24 hours. It may, however, take a few days to publish.

We publish a maximum of three articles per day to ensure that published articles are seen by our readers. This has proven to be a good balance, and it will also help you grow your following.

What Qualities Do We Look For in a Writer?

We understand that you may be new to writing, so we provide honest feedback; if you are unable to accept our feedback, this may not be the publication for you.

Failure to become familiar with our rules will eventually result in removal from our list of writers, so please make sure you understand the rules before submitting the draft of your article to us.

You can read our submission guidelines here.

Our Editors

We ask that you respect our editors; they work very hard every day to run several checks before publishing articles; an editor may be working for free for around 1–2 hours each day (multiple publications), so please keep that in mind.

How To Become A Writer

To become a TechUnlockers writer, your articles must contribute to the publication’s theme, “Unlocking and optimizing the potential of new and existing technologies: Demystifying complexities, fueling your business growth.”

The submission must also adhere to our submission guidelines.

To keep things simple... We’re on this journey for our own pleasure and personal development. We don’t want to waste our valuable time debating the submission guidelines. Articles that are not aligned with our submission guidelines will be rejected, and you will not be added as a writer.

We give everyone a second chance to resubmit their article, but only after the article has been modified to comply with our submission standards.

No exceptions… We can’t go on and on to give people additional chances until they finally get it right. If you didn’t get it right with your second submission, we see this as a structural mismatch and wish you all the best in channels that are a better fit for you.

If you have re-read the submission guidelines and still need clarification, feel free to contact me.

If you are not yet a full Medium member, you can join with my referral link by clicking here. Full membership is required to qualify for earnings through the Medium Partner Program.

Apply to become a writer by completing the form below.



Nico Zwaneveld

Demystifying complexities to fuel personal and business growth. 🚀 Enriching faith with music. ✝️ Published author and global Dutchman who has returned home.