Tell Your Story — Submission Guide (Updated March 2024)

What we’re looking for and how to submit

Jessica Lucia
Tell Your Story


Photo by Suzy Hazelwood on Pexels

We’re striving to be the home of the best narrative creative nonfiction on Medium.

Here’s what we’re looking for:

  • Narratives that reveal subtle lessons readers can discover for themselves.
  • Stories using description to express and evoke emotions. Take readers through your experience without telling us what to feel or think about it. (Don’t give too much context — let your story unfold naturally.)
  • A narrative of a specific experience — not a generalization of your experiences.
  • Stories that don’t always have a resolution — they may or may not end with happily ever after.

*We do not accept AI articles

To get a feel for what we’re looking for, check out the pieces on the Tell Your Story front page. Not everything we publish gets front-page time — that space is reserved for the best pieces.

You can also check out our Spring 2023 Contest Winners and Finalists. Those are all fantastic, beautiful pieces that we would love to have more of.

Note: We edit carefully, and we like to work with writers on their drafts prior to publishing, so please submit drafts only. We make make small edits on our own (e. g. grammar, punctuation, tense changes). Please give us at least one week to get back to you after you’ve submitted.

Comment on this story with “I’d like to contribute,” and we’ll add you.

We can’t wait to read your stories!



Jessica Lucia
Tell Your Story

Educator. Mother. Runner. Co-editor of Tell Your Story. I love the New York Mets, bridges terrify me, and I hate cottage cheese.