Telos Fundamentals by TelosGreen

Sukesh Tedla
Published in
4 min readDec 21, 2018
Telos Fundamentals by TelosGreen

By Sukesh Kumar Tedla

Now that the Telos Mainnet is activated, many community users are trying to unstake or vote or access their tokens in general. During my support time in Telegram Channels, I came across various questions and most of the time they are common ones. So in this article, I’ll try to put together a step-by-step for various actions and will try to address some of the F.A.Qs.

Now the mainnet is activated what next?

Before we go further, let’s clear out some common questions and agree on below points:

  1. TELOS is a new blockchain similar to EOS.
  2. TLOS is the token symbol of Telos Blockchain.
  3. TLOS tokens are distributed with a cap of 40,000 tokens per account on EOS Genesis Snapshot. “So, If you have an account in EOS genesis snapshot then you have TLOS waiting for you to useIf you are wondering now, you can enter your account name or Public key here and verify if your account exists.
  4. TLOS token is not an Airdrop on EOS. It’s a new blockchain token. We are searching for a new name, you can participate in the bounty here
  5. All the initial public & private keys are the same as your Genesis account keys on EOS. So don’t confuse and be careful to use the right chain when doing transactions.

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Now let’s go further:

How to access your TLOS tokens?

If you are in this stage it means you have tokens in Telos Blockchain. There are many tools and ways to access your tokens.

All you need is the private key to the account you had on EOS Genesis Snapshot.

Once you are in control of your private key, you can go to the tools or wallets below and get access to your account.


  1. SQRL — Official Telos Foundation Desktop Wallet. (Download Here)
  2. Scatter — (Download Here)
  3. Greymass — EOS-voter wallet, Desktop wallet. (Download Here)
  4. EOSX Portal — Web-based explorer/portal integrated with Scatter. Link here:
  5. TelosGermany Portal — Web-based explorer/portal integrated with Scatter.
  6. MEOW — Web-based wallet, can be used with ledger support.
  7. Account Creator — Online telos account creator. [Soon to be live]


  1. From the above list of wallets & portals, make sure you are connected to Telos Mainnet.
  2. Once you are connected, you can follow the instructions on the portal. Some of the links below show how to navigate on different portals.


SQRL Walk-through process:

Scatter Walk-through process:

MEOW — Ledger nano S process:

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Now we know how to get access to TLOS tokens, there are some more important things that you have to know about TLOS tokens. They are presented below:

  • There will be an official TLOS snapshot taken at block 6 Million(approx ~ 1Month from mainnet launch) which might be used for future Airdrops. In order to be included in this snapshot, you have to access your account and do a transaction. A transaction can be as small as voting for BPs or transferring your tokens.
  • In Telos Blockchain we have something called Inverse Weighted Voting, which means the weight of your vote is 100% if you vote for 30 BPs, if you only vote for 1 BP then it’s 5%. So, it's always good to vote for 30BPs for maximum weight.

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Where to Trade?

TLOS will be traded on the following exchanges as presented on the official Telos Foundation Website.

  • Chainrift (Trading is now open)
  • DexEOS
  • WhaleX
  • Swap.Online

More are coming, announcements will be made on the official twitter account @HelloTelos

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General Guides, Essentials, Resources:

Official Telos Foundation Website:

Official Telegram Channel:

SQRL Support Channel:

All-in-one resources guide by TelosCentral team:

About Daaps & BPs on Telos, a nice graphic:

Telegram Bot for managing account by Telescope team, here: @TeloscopeBot

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That’s it for now if you have more questions,

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And Finally, make sure you vote for telosgreenbp

Thank You! Merry Christmas & Happy New Year.



Sukesh Tedla

CEO and Founder of Unbiased, Regional Head — Swedish Blockchain Association, Blockchain Advisor — Zeptagram