Why Ternoa, the Layer 1 NFT Blockchain, Chose to Build with Substrate

Nicolas Duchemin
Published in
3 min readMar 16, 2022

In this article, read into the reasons why Ternoa’s founders decided to build their blockchain using Substrate Framework, entering into the Polkadot universe!

Ternoa is a layer 1 blockchain with a mission for changing the world of data management through the use of encrypted NFTs. It also holds many values, for example aiming to put forward an eco-friendly approach, being interoperable with other ecosystems to spread the use of our unique features, and also allowing all developers to build their own creations on our blockchain with no limitations. With all of this in mind, it was important for Ternoa’s founders to choose the right framework to build off of, and it was easy to see that Substrate’s framework held all of the qualities required, and would also link Ternoa to the Polkadot ecosystem.

An Essential Base for Ternoa

The Substrate framework was created to help developers launch a blockchain project in a streamlined and customizable way. They offer a substantial development base using Nominated Proof of Stake (NPoS), which relies on validators rather than miners to govern the blockchain. The framework also offers a substantial development base that is easily updatable and natively deployable on Polkadot, allowing projects to be interoperable between other projects in the Polkadot ecosystem.

Thanks to Susbtrate’s framework, Ternoa’s Development team was able to build the blockchain a lot faster than expected! They were also able to have a strong and scalable base to work up from, benefiting from all that Substrate has to offer, as well as customize the blockchain to best suit our augmented NFT technology solution. This also allowed Ternoa to stick to our goal of providing our technology while staying environmentally friendly.

Environmentally Friendly NFTs

Ternoa’s first use case concept was that of our Time Capsule DApp, soon to allow users all over the world to store and encrypt their private data inside an encrypted NFT time capsule and send it to their loved ones after they pass away. From the start, our project was based on the future and the preservation of people’s digital life. With current major blockchains using up a lot of energy and CO2, we wanted to be sure to not make our users choose between helping the future of our environment, and using our NFTs.

Ternoa builds using Rust, a programming language that is one of the least energy-consuming ways to code. Along with this, by using NPoS, the Ternoa Blockchain is much more energy-efficient in comparison to the alternative Proof of Work (PoW) consensus. This is thanks to the validators not needing as many assets and energy as the miners used for PoW. This greatly limits our consumption of energy, as a reference, Polkadot uses only 0.001% of Bitcoin’s typical energy consumption. To learn more about our pledge towards environmentally friendly NFTs, feel free to read this article!

Joining Polkadot

Ternoa is proud to be part of the Polkadot ecosystem and be able to interact with the other projects within it. Polkadot, being a layer 0 blockchain, paves the way for a decentralized Web3 network environment and allows for endless scalability and connections between projects. Polkadot, having created Substrate framework and being the first to be built off of it, quickly proved the effectiveness of its blockchain framework, and also its low cost on the environment. Polkadot also holds a large, enthusiastic community that Ternoa is grateful to take part in. Our community is actually currently dubbed the most active on social media out of all Polkadot communities!

A Strong Choice

Choosing to build off of Substrate’s framework was an easy decision for Ternoa’s founders, and as a result allowed the blockchain to evolve into what was envisioned for it, creating a space for developers to bring to life an unlimited amount of metaverse, gaming, music, and real-world use cases. We look forward to providing you with updates on our blockchain’s development in the months to come, as Ternoa is constantly seeking to expand and release new features for our community to enjoy!

Stay informed on Ternoa’s latest updates by following our project on Twitter. You can also join Ternoa’s Telegram for direct communication with the team!



Nicolas Duchemin
Writer for

10+ years experience in the IT industry, working as Digital Marketer promoting SaaS, Cloud services, and Blockchain projects