Will Ternoa become Polkadot’s next star project?

Sachie Takahashi/高橋 幸枝
Published in
3 min readSep 22, 2021

In this article we will share some of the reasons why Ternoa may become one of the most important projects in the Polkadot ecosystem

Ternoa, the French blockchain company that is revolutionizing the NFT market, has become an essential part of the Polkadot ecosystem. In just a couple of months, Ternoa has been able to launch several amazing features, like the alpha version of its wallet app, the SecretNFT marketplace and the Tiime Engine rewards platform. Also, several bridges with different blockchains and liquidity pools with top DeFi exchanges have been announced.

This massive range of new products makes Ternoa of the most active blockchains in Polkadot, so much so that, according to dotmarketcap.com (a website that monitors market movements of Polkadot- backed projects), Ternoa ranks 29th in terms of capitalization, with a market cap of more than 15M dollars. But what is the relationship between Ternoa and Polkadot? Is it possible for Ternoa to escalate and become one of the main projects in the Polkadot ecosystem? Let’s dive in and learn all about the possibilities for this to happen.

Ternoa’s increased exposure in the Polkadot ecosystem

To understand the relationship between Ternoa and Polkadot, one must always take in mind the role of Substrate. Now is a good time to remember that, although independent, Substrate and Polkadot are intimately linked. The Substrate Framework was created in order to help developers that had to create blockchain technology from scratch, providing them with a considerable development base, natively deployable on Polkadot.

Ternoa has benefited greatly from this implementation, and thanks to the use of Substrate, they are planning to deploy several features, such as interoperability with other blockchains. We believe that this is where Ternoa is capable of changing the game, and is in a very good spot in terms of the future of the industry. After creating a bridge with the Binance Smart Chain, two new major ecosystems are close to being linked with Ternoa: Solana and Elrond. This will bring major benefits for Ternoa users, such as:

  • Increased scope for smart contracts
  • Diversified sources of data storage
  • Time Capsules will be deployable on other ecosystems
  • More users of the $CAPS token

What can we expect from Ternoa next?

While it is safe to say that Ternoa has just started its journey, its achievements are greater by the day, the main event in the coming months being the imminent arrival of the Testnet. With it, users will soon be able to generate their own NFTs or discover new functionalities linked to the SecretNFT marketplace. Be sure to stay tuned for more info, as the Ternoa project is full of exciting news. If you want to stay up to date with all the news, follow us on our Twitter or Telegram accounts. Finally, do not forget to check out our alpha Wallet App! You can download it here for iOS or here for Android.

