Introducing Terra Ecosystem Grants

2 min readMar 16, 2020


The Terraform Labs team is happy to announce a series of grants in order to improve ecosystem tools and products as well as to provide an overall better environment for community members. That being said, the Terra team will be starting the Grant Program by rolling out four RFPs alongside an open community suggestion form.

The first two RFPs are in relation to a new type staking product, which we call Anchor, that requires both a new derivative token and a lending pool. We have noticed that despite high returns for staking Luna, there has been a lack of staking by users due to the volatile nature of Luna’s prices. In light of this problem, Terraform Labs would like to design a solution where the initial deposit principal is protected. To accomplish this goal, we will be looking for partners capable of understanding and implementing the bLuna token and the fungible money market.

The next RFP is concerned with reducing the time to resync a node in the event of data corruption through the utilization of a data backup service.

Lastly, in order to ensure a smooth development, deployment, and production experience for present and future apps powered by Terra, and to provide simple, universal access to Terra’s public ledger, Terraform Labs is looking for community-driven initiatives to provide a robust, distributed availability layer for accessing the Terra blockchain. Our focus is to enable users of the Terra blockchain to think in terms of use-case rather than focus on infrastructure.

Suggestions by community members in our Discord server or Twitter community often give the Terra team insightful pieces of advice that we have never considered before. We believe that in order for more use cases to arise, the community must be at the forefront focus. Thus we would like to also leave an open RFP, where any community member is welcome to suggest any ideas that we may have overlooked as well.

Please send all proposals/inquiries to, and note that the deadline for submission is April 24, 2020.

We welcome any feedback regarding the new Grant Proposal program and are excitedly awaiting discussion within our communities!

