TerriaJS v6.3.3: My Data improvements, WCS clip and ship, Carto Maps

Kevin Ring
Published in
3 min readNov 6, 2018

Welcome to TerriaJS v6.3.3! Since v6.1.3, we’ve made some exciting improvements.

New “My Data” UI

Did you know that TerriaJS allows end users to add their own data to the map? The data never leaves the user’s web browser, either, which we think is pretty cool. Unfortunately this feature has always been a little clunky to use, so in this release we dramatically improved the UI.

First, we added a new button to the main map screen to launch the “My Data” feature directly. Previously, users had to press “Add data” and then switch to the “My Data” tab.

The new “My Data” button (lower right).

Next, we improved the “My Data” tab itself. When first activated (before any user data has been added), it makes it clear up front that you can just drag-and-drop files rather than bothering with the UI at all.

New “My Data” tab.

Once some data has been added, it’s always visible on the tab. Previously, the tab would sometimes flip to an “add more data” mode, and it was quite unintuitive how to see the list of loaded data again. It’s also now possible to remove user-added data by clicking the bin icon.

Web Coverage Service Clip-and-Ship

It’s pretty common for a Web Map Service (WMS), providing styled maps, to be paired with a Web Coverage Service (WCS), providing raw data. TerriaJS now has experimental support for allowing users to interactively download raw data from a WCS. Here’s how it works:

First, you need to configure two new properties, linkedWcsUrl and linkedWcsCoverage, on the WMS layer in your catalog. linkedWcsUrl is the URL of the WCS endpoint. linkedWcsCoverage is the name of the coverage (the WCS equivalent of a WMS layer) to retrieve. For example:

With that configuration done, a new “Export” button will appear when the catalog item is active on the workbench. When you click that, TerriaJS will prompt you to drag a bounding box rectangle. It will then ask the WCS server to package up the raw data in that rectangle and your web browser will download it as a GeoTIFF file.

Download a GeoTIFF from an associated Web Coverage Service.

Carto Maps

We also added the new CartoMapCatalogItem (“type”: “carto”) in this release, making it easy to add a named map accessible via the Carto Maps API.

And more

As usual, TerriaJS v6.3.3 has heaps of other bug fixes and tweaks. Check out the full changelog. Find us on Gitter, Twitter, or Google Groups if you have any questions or comments.

