TerriaJS v7.6.2: Tell a Story

Kevin Ring
Published in
4 min readJun 19, 2019

We’ve just published TerriaJS v7.6.2, which has some great new features. The one we’re most excited about is called Crisp Chronicles, Terria Tales, or if you want to keep it simple, Stories.

Telling a story with TerriaJS.

No matter what you call it, the feature lets you tell a compelling story using a combination of map views, datasets and charts, plus supporting text and images.

TerriaJS Demo Story: Try It!

Creating and sharing your own stories is easy. Just click the “Story” button in the toolbar of any updated TerriaJS application, such as map.terria.io. The video below shows the process in more detail.

Creating a TerriaJS Story

Internet Explorer 9 and 10

TerriaJS no longer supports Internet Explorer 9 or 10. These browsers are well past end of life and no longer receiving security updates, so hopefully you and your users stopped using them long ago.

More New Features!

In addition to Stories, there have been a whole lot of other features since TerriaJS v6.3.3:

  • Draggable Feature Info panel.
Dragging the feature info panel to a new position
  • Support for Mapbox Vector Tile polygon layers with simple styling.
Mapbox Vector Tiles polygons with simple styling
  • “Zoom To” for KML and CZML.
Zoom to KML and CZML
  • Near real-time satellite imagery layers often offer imagery in “scenes” or daily swaths, so a given “time” of the layer will cover only a small area, and each time will cover a different area. TerriaJS now allows users to filter a compatible layer’s times to only show those for which imagery is available at a given point, making it easy to step through all the pictures that were taken of that point.
Filter satellite imagery times by location.
  • Added GltfCatalogItem to enable displaying glTF models.
Cesium Man glTF Model in TerriaJS
  • GeoJsonCatalogItem can now optionally clampToTerrain, and we use this to show the feature selection highlight on terrain.
When selecting a polyline, the highlight is now drawn on terrain.
  • You can now create a share link directly from within the catalog. When someone visits the share link, they’ll see the same page in the catalog.
New Share button in the Catalogue
  • We now use the “On Demand” versions of the Bing Maps “Aerial with Labels” and “Roads” basemaps. The previous versions are no longer updated by Bing.
The Bing Maps “On Demand” basemaps have fresher imagery and road data.

And of course there were many bug fixes and smaller features. See the Changelog for all the details.

More Terria News

The Terria team is growing! In the past few months, we’ve hired three new software developers to work at CSIRO’s Data61 on the TerriaJS platform. Two more developers will be switching from part-time to full-time in the next couple of months. We have big plans for TerriaJS!

One of the major efforts we are currently undertaking is a refactoring of the TerriaJS Model layer. Doing so will fix a bunch of bugs, improve performance, and set us up to much more easily add all the exciting features we have planned for the future. It will also make it easier for our users to extend and customise TerriaJS. Unfortunately, it’s also likely to cause some short-term pain for our users, as some breaking changes are inevitable. We will do our best to make it as painless as possible!

Get in Touch

We would love to hear from you! Drop into gitter or our forum for a chat, or find us on Twitter.

