Oversight Community and Engagement Points

Martin Worner
Published in
3 min readFeb 7, 2022
Photo by Dylan Gillis on Unsplash

The Oversight Community in Tgrade forms an important role in the running of the blockchain. The responsibilities of the self-sovereign group, are the awarding of Engagement Points and in keeping an oversight on validators, and where necessary punishing validators for bad behaviour. The Oversight Community role is described in the Proof of Engagement paper and the Constitution.

The Oversight Community has been forming and has been trying out the governance tooling in the testnet in allocating Engagement Points and punishing validators.

Oversight Community governance in action on testnet

The Oversight Community has had extensive discussions on what engagement means, how to verify someone has done the activity in relation to their Tgrade address and has begun to define the processes.

Engagement defined

One of the core questions posed to the Oversight Community is, “How is Engagement defined and how is it evaluated?”.

In initial discussions, Engagement has been categorized into three main groups:

  • Builders (e.g. software tooling, validator operations)
  • Marketeers (e.g. podcasters, social media posting, translations, documentation, infographics, videos)
  • Community management (e.g. proposals, coordination, facilitation)

These categories are not intended as a definitive list but as a way of shaping the discussion on engagement. What the discussions have highlighted in making the whole Tgrade community collaborate is the need to be inclusive and as one member said “Tgrade, like any other project, should strive to present itself as a kind, intelligent and helping community”.

The priorities for the early months at launch are for tooling to be built, awareness of the chain through marketing, and for a level of community, cohesion to make the engagement process work.

How do we gather information?

The Oversight Community has been discussing how do we collect the information around who has been doing what in the Community. The process is being developed and it will begin with a channel in Discord where people can make the Oversight Community aware of their activities and there will be a simple form which is being developed where anyone who wants to apply can complete the form.

prototype engagement point application form

The information is collected and discussed amongst the Oversight Community who then reach a consensus on the applications.

How are we linking engagement to points?

The Oversight Community is in discussions to arrive at a template that will act as guidance and help with the consistency of allocating points for activities.

This process will be dynamic as the Oversight Community learns about how the Tgrade community engages and what activities are being undertaken.

Evolution of Engagement

Proof of Engagement is a new concept and has not been tried before. The incentives for collaboration are clear in the model and the Oversight Community as a self-sovereign group is beginning on a journey in turning the theory into practice. The processes that are being developed will evolve along with Tgrade and will be refined with input from the whole community.

To get in touch with the Oversight Community please join Tgrade Discord and use the #oversight-community-general channel.

