Tgrade January news

Martin Worner
Published in
3 min readFeb 1, 2023
Photo by Luca Onniboni on Unsplash

2023 has begun with the publication from the Oversight Community of the participant criteria. When the Oversight Community was formed during the early testnets (pre-launch) the criteria was left open and it was the intent that the self-sovereign group determine what the criteria for participation should be. After six months of being up and running and a few enquires it made sense to determine and publish the criteria.

The first half-life event took place which is part of the Proof of Engagement system where the Engagement Points earned are halved. The thinking behind this process is that it incentivises continued engagement from the whole community and in a recent blog the engagement point categories were explored. The process highlighted a bug in the smart contract which the tech team quickly fixed.

The new year has seen further activity from businesses and organisations in various stages on building platforms around Tgrade. The sectors are Film Finance, Logistics, Carbon, Regenerative Finance, and Real Estate. While the projects are in fund raising and building there is not much that can be officially announced, however, as they progress there will announcements and news from the businesses which will be shared with the community.

Photo by ThisisEngineering RAEng on Unsplash

As part of the progressive decentralisation process there are some open development projects which carry either Engagement Points or can be packaged as a proposal to the foundation which would pay in TGD. This is a great opportunity for developers to get familiar with Tgrade and the dApp and broadens the pool of experts.

The projects that need doing are as follows:

A small fix in the Tgrade dApp to correct some text on the Oversight Community proposal screen.

There is some more work for UI developers and this is a great project to familiarise yourself with the app and how it interacts with Tgrade.

The Oversight Community need a claim rewards function like the Engagement Point functionality:

1) There needs to be a button on the Oversight Community dashboard:

2) An API call to claim the rewards to the wallet of the OC participant

The final one is to change the RPC calls from to a community system where there are several validators who have volunteered to run the nodes. There should be a load balancing mechanism to swap between the nodes.

To get in touch with Ocean Blue Foundation with proposals please email and for questions about the code changes or engagement points please reach out on Tgrade Discord.

