Bottle-feeding A Calf

A cherished childhood memory

Haley Whitehall
Thank You Notes
3 min readJan 27, 2022


Wild animals need our help and care, but other animals need extra help too sometimes. I was probably 10 years old when my dad agreed that we would take care of a calf. My grandparents were going on vacation. After my grandpa retired they went on a yearly vacation. Anyway, they had a calf that the mother had no interest in. If they couldn’t find someone to bottle feed him then they would have to take him to the next livestock auction.

My dad said that we would take care of the calf. He was a little fellow. It wasn’t too hard to hide him in our backyard. Hide we did because we lived in the city and were not supposed to have livestock. I have fond memories and pictures of bottle-feeding him and petting him. I had never been this close to a calf before. I was the youngest grandchild and perhaps overprotected! At my grandparents' ranch, when they were with their mothers in the field, I had given them distance.

I did tell one of my friends and she came down and helped bottle-feed and pet the calf too. Other than that, I don’t think anyone else in our neighborhood knew about the calf. He was a quiet fellow with big brown eyes. I fell in love with him instantly. I‘ve always had a soft spot for animals. My big heart connected with his with the first bottle. I don’t know how old he was, but he seemed a bit clumsy. I marveled at his little legs. I had graduated from taking care of kittens and baby dolls to taking care of a calf. The maternal instincts kicked in. I wanted to be his mother.

We only took care of the calf for a few days, but it left a big impression on me. I know that animals appreciate it when we show them extra care. We can do something simple like leaving a bowl of food and water out. However, the animals also bless us in return. They share with us their playful, gentle, loving spirits. I have gratitude for wildlife, especially when they wish to share their magnificence with me. Nothing raises my vibration like being out in nature. It always brings me peace and happiness.

Each animal is unique and has something special to share with the humans around them. I’ve had many wildlife and animal encounters over the years. I am blessed by every one of them. I smile and get all excited when a hummingbird flies close to where I’m sitting or if a duck proudly poses for a picture. I want to try to interact more with the environment and wildlife in 2022. I have gotten more into photography, so maybe I will capture some of these special moments. These interactions bring many blessings into my life.

This memory is in response to this week’s writing prompt #41 your loving creatures. I look forward to reading more stories, poems, and articles relating to the love and care for animals. Do you have a special farm or ranch memory? If so, please comment. I would love to hear from you.



Haley Whitehall
Thank You Notes

I’m an author, grief life coach, and creative spirit. After my mom & grandparents died, I went on a healing journey. Now I want to help others heal their grief.