Lighting Up My Life

Are moments held close

Monoreena Acharjee Majumdar
Thank You Notes


photo edit of candle, poem-lighting up my lifw
Photo Edit by Monoreena

“May you never be too grown up to search for sky on Christmas Eve “— Anonymous

That wriggling dandelion by the
fence which soaks the sun,

That hued ripple when
breeze brushes over the
tulips in field distant,

Those bunch of Lilies that
accentuate my listless space,

That perched winglet in my piazza
soaking in that transparent quiet,

When silence loud and audible
keeps a dialogue alive,

The surrounding stillness broken by
a sudden squeak of that squirrel
living a sage on my moringa,

The solstice sun peeping through
the aging foliage — bare boughs
resplendent looking up to the sky,

Butterflies paying a busy visit, checking
on the new blooms, cavorting swiftly
on baby petals,

Crossing that threshold of happiness
shaded corners warmed by the burning candle
and lighted by that toothless smile…

They are infinite list in a finite space
which lights up my soul, but the cherry
on top —

Is that priceless smile on a teenager’s face
when the scent of chocolate n’ vanilla preside
in the air —

A birthday cake being baked!

A beautiful inclusion to our family, my nephew occupies our world.

Since his age 2, my sister has been baking Birthday cakes for him, which has now become an annual ritual we all wait for. Themed cakes are flavours of the season and this year, she has surprised us all with this wonderful beach themed cake, and that enlivened smile after a glance at it — enough to light up even a darkened soul!

beach themed cake
Beach themed cake baked by my sister, photo/collage by Monoreena

Thank you Trista Signe Ainsworth for these wonderful prompts and Thank You Notes where we safely park our happy memories.
Wishing you and your family A Merry Christmas and Happy Baking!🧑‍🎄

Thank you for stopping by our celebrations, means a lot.

