Positive Affirmations

When I need a little boost

Haley Whitehall
Thank You Notes
3 min readFeb 4, 2022


Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

It is easy to get wrapped up in the negativity and chaos currently present in our world. A positive mindset helps keep me from drowning in this low vibration. When I need a little boost, I reach for positive affirmations.

Positive affirmations are short positive statements. These statements are used to help change self-sabotaging or negative thoughts. Often we are not aware of our thought patterns. We go through our days just reacting to situations instead of striving to take charge of our lives. When I was buried in my grief I was purely in a reactionary state. I was in survival mode. Now that I have healed, I realize that I am the creator of my existence. I am not a victim of my circumstances. I have the power. This is a wonderfully freeing realization!

Once we become aware of our thought patterns can consciously work to change them. It is not always an easy process. Like everything in life, it takes practice. I have spent the past three years working on uplifting and moving my mindset in a positive direction. I often use positive affirmations to help with this.

Where your attention goes, energy flows.

I have no idea where this saying came from. I absolutely love this saying and I find myself saying it often. It is a quick reminder to check my thoughts and get myself back on track. This saying is in essence the key to positive affirmations. We are giving our attention to positive, uplifting things.

I often listen to Abraham Hicks or Steve Nobel’s positive affirmations on YouTube. Sometimes I need to hear the positive affirmation to help it sink in. The YouTube videos are also high vibe which helps as well. Alternatively, I make up my own positive affirmations. I have gotten better at this with practice.

My past has served me well.

I am right where you need to be.

I am strong.

I am creative.

I am supported.

My path unfolds with ease.

Positive affirmations not only steer my thoughts in a positive direction, but they leave me feeling better about myself and better about the world I live in. You can make positive affirmations for any aspect of your life. I have used positive affirmations when uneasy about a career change, dealing with health issues, relationship issues, etc. Positive affirmations are my form of personal pep talk.

This is a good article if you want to read about some of the science behind positive affirmations. I wrote this article in response to this week’s writing prompt Thank You Notes #42. Pep talks. Do you give yourself a pep talk often? What do you say to yourself? How do you motivate yourself to keep going or change direction in life? Thank you to everyone who keeps Thank You Notes running. This was a wonderful prompt. I feel like we could all use a little extra love, self-care, and pep talks right now.



Haley Whitehall
Thank You Notes

I’m an author, grief life coach, and creative spirit. After my mom & grandparents died, I went on a healing journey. Now I want to help others heal their grief.