
Some Post-Pride Thank You Notes

Postcards, a nod from Medium, and reconnecting with old friends

Amanda Laughtland
Thank You Notes
Published in
4 min readJul 18, 2022


a paper collage with the text “alternatives to standard lives” and an image of George Eliot as well as an image of a hand holding a pencil on top of a writing desk
paper collage by the author

It’s three weeks after the end of Pride month for 2022, and I’m still feeling grateful for a handful of connections that came together during that time. Here are three short (and true) stories to express my appreciation…

Thanks to a longtime friend

This morning when I picked up my phone after taking a shower, I saw that my friend Michele had called. I was excited because we haven’t talked in a couple of years. I had such a nice time catching up with her during an hour-long phone call this afternoon.

One of the things that have always surprised me about adulthood is how easy it is for friendships — even super-close ones — to fall away. It just takes one or two things to interfere, sometimes a handful of small things add up to mean you haven’t talked to one of your closest friends since you don’t know when.

This June when I had some postcards printed to celebrate Pride month, I had the idea of sending them out to reconnect with friends I haven’t seen during the pandemic and sometimes even for years before that. I didn’t get them out to everyone on my list (not by a long shot), but I took time with writing notes on those I did…



Amanda Laughtland
Thank You Notes

Poet, teacher, & zinester. I started The DIY Diaries because I love to read about DIY ideas and projects; I invite you to send us your stories!