That Good You Need Part XXII

Lucas Quagliata
That Good You Need
Published in
4 min readNov 17, 2016

November 17th, 2016

It’s our first collaborative That Good You Need, but that doesn’t mean I don’t get to shoot my shot up top here.

First of all, thank you to everyone who’s taken the time to check us out in our new format. We’ll likely continue adding writers and perspectives, and if you’re interested in participating please feel free to hit us up.

Secondly, there should be a lot more coming soon. Keep an eye out, follow us on Twitter, like us on Facebook, put us in your circle on Google Plus, Pin us to the top of your Pinterest Board, blog about us on your Xanga, and dang it, Karen, if we’re not in your top 8 on MySpace I promise you, you are not going to be invited into our limo for prom. WE MADE A DEAL, KAREN.

Anyway, let’s get it cooking, it’s the 22nd edition of That Good You Need.

GeorgeBill Burr’s Monday Morning Podcast

George: Bill Burr is widely considered to be one of the best comedian’s comedians — up there with C.K. and Chappelle. If you’re into his brash, irreverent style of comedy, you have to check out his “Monday Morning” podcast. It’s the complete opposite of NPR, and a great way to start out the week. Not only does Bill blast you with his unique, political-incorrect views on sports, politics, TV, and life, but you also get some great incite into the life of a full-time comedian. I listen to it every week, just to make sure I have the most outrageous thing to say in the break room.

Quags — Here’s what made me feel better this week.

Whattup Hassan

It’s been a weird couple of weeks, and while I could point you toward any one of the articles that analyze and attempt to somehow interpret what went down on Election Day, George and I have already done that ourselves.

Instead, here’s a piece that talks about how to begin to help yourself understand that life goes on. There are certainly things to watch out for, issues we need to be vigilant about, but there is also a great deal of good out there we still need to allow ourselves to experience.

Quags — We Have Serious Journalism to Thank for Drake’s Doris Burke Sweatshirt


Many, many shout outs to Rembert Browne for writing an article some time ago that included some information about Drake’s love of Doris Burke. One can only assume that Drake, after realizing that his love had been made public, decided to do a very Drake thing and wear this Doris Burke sweater on Drake night at a Raptors game.

The sweater alone is That Good You Need, but Rem’s take on what happened afterwards, and his explanation regarding his feelings about it, really stole the show here.

George — Kong Skull Island Trailer

Monsters have been in the news a lot recently.

That innuendo aside, none of them have me as excited as the new trailer for Kong: Skull Island. Evidently in a universe completely separate from Peter Jackson’s 2006 blockbuster, the new Kong features Samuel L. Jackson, John Goodman, Brie Larsen, John C. Reilly, and Tom Hiddleston (who may be the next James Bond). The new monster is now bipedal and many times bigger than Jackson’s Kong — so big, in fact, that they are apparently setting him up to battle the new Godzilla!

Judging by the trailer, it also seems like Kong: Skull Island will be a nice change from the gritty, ultra-realistic, ultra-serious tone that has swept over so many of our superhero and monster movies. I don’t know about you, but the world is real enough for me; I want more fun and games at the movies.

That does it for us. Make sure to check out everything else we’ve got going on TGYN. We’re going to spend the week trying to get Kyle out of the trance working 72 hours straight has put him in. Until next time.



Lucas Quagliata
That Good You Need

Marketing Strategist | Philadelphian | Routinely Disappointed Buffalo Bills Fan