About The 100 Images

It’s a limited lifespan

J.A. Taylor
The 100 Images


Image public domain.

Over the course of The 100 Images’ life, we will post one hundred images that act as prompts. We invite you to write stories based on the latest posted image.

If we are getting great stories, we may keep submissions open for that image for a while. Once we feel like we have the right amount of stories for an image, we will stop accepting submissions for it and post the next image.

Don’t include any images, kickers, or subtitles in your story — all stories must relate to a specific image. The way you tie your story to an image is through the use of tags. For example: If you post a story for image 1, you must include the number 1 as a tag in your story.

This publication will conclude after we’ve published stories for 100 images.

If you feel you’re up for the challenge, review our submission guidelines and send a story our way!

