Go to The 32 Percent Project
The 32 Percent Project
We're a team of journalists and researchers from the University of Oregon trying to figure out why trust in journalism is so low - and what can be done to rebuild it. To explore these questions, we're hosting a series of community workshops in public libraries across the country.
Note from the editor

We're journalists and researchers at the University of Oregon exploring what drives and disrupts trust in communities. Thanks to support from the Agora Journalism Center, we're hosting a series of community engagement workshops across the country. Our goal is to better understand how trust operates on the local level, and what journalists might learn so they can better connect with the communities they serve.

Go to the profile of Todd Milbourn
Todd Milbourn
Journalist, teacher, trainer. “To see what is in front of one’s nose needs a constant struggle.”
Go to the profile of Lisa Heyamoto
Lisa Heyamoto
A journalist and educator whose work centers on increasing news access and building public trust in journalism.