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The 5 Second Novel
What’s “The 5 Second Novel”? It’s a collection of flash fiction, but more so: it’s a dedicated anthology of the “short and to the point.” My aim is to deliver very brief fiction that captures your mind long after you’ve finished it. • Follow and subscribe to The 5 Second Novel. •
Note from the editor

The name, honestly, is a bit of an exaggeration — only a few of them can be read in five seconds — but most of them are between 100 and 250 words, and none of them are — or will be — over 1,000. Enjoy.

Go to the profile of Daniel Brenton
Daniel Brenton
Seeker, Finder, Gratitude rebel, Political Progressive, Satirist, Author/Creator of The 5 Second Novel. • I write about the Meaning of Existence (and all that).
Go to the profile of Daniel Brenton
Daniel Brenton
Seeker, Finder, Gratitude rebel, Political Progressive, Satirist, Author/Creator of The 5 Second Novel. • I write about the Meaning of Existence (and all that).