About me #1

I’m Asexual And I Hate Sex

Words by Egypt
The Ace Space
Published in
3 min readJun 2, 2024


In a sex-obsessed world, some of us don’t care for it.

I’ve started this new writing series of short essays (About me) to give my readers specific insight into my life, and how I think. I’ve decided to write these stories in a stream-of-consciousness writing style. I’ll probably organise these stories into a list at some point. Here is the first one.

I’m Asexual

This means I have no sexual attraction towards men. There are many nuances of this term, but I’ll keep it super simple by going with asexual.

I hate sex.

I’ve never really enjoyed it, and up until a few years ago, I saw it as a pain and chore to be endured rather than enjoyed.

I bought into the societal conditioning that sex is something you just do in a “ healthy” relationship. Not that I’ve ever really had a healthy relationship. But oh well.

In time I’ll write more on my asexual lens of viewing the world. But for now, I'll leave it here.

I want people to know that not everyone is obsessed with sex. Not everyone has it on their minds most of the time.

Some of us would rather watch a good movie, drink tea, practice yoga, or do some art than perform bedroom gymnastics.

If I’m honest I’m repulsed by sex.

But what irks me even more is the associated predatory or coercive behaviour from men regarding sex. I have been the victim of negative sexual experiences, and toxic ideologies surrounding sex.

A lot of what is considered normal sexual behaviour these days contains a lot of disrespect and disavowing of bodily agency.

I dislike the very unromantic behaviours guised as modern-day romance, by a sex-obsessed world.

I’m deciding to live the rest of my life, mostly on my terms. I’m tired of pleasing men to my detriment. I’m tired of all the performing, and stepping in line.

I’m done with it. I want people to know me for being my true self. Those who like me will stick around, those who don’t? Oh well.

I’ll write more in time on the musings on my asexual mind. This is the first time I’m sharing my asexuality here, so I’ll keep things brief for now.

Are you asexual? Or share a perspective on the asexual experience? Do share in the comments.

That's it for now.



Words by Egypt
The Ace Space

Essayist, Poet, and Writer. Dancing at the intersection of words and thoughts. https://ko-fi.com/wordsbyegypt