Elysian- Daily Word №18

Vincent W. C.
The Afterglow Publication
2 min readJan 21, 2021

Never heard of this one…

Image by Vincent Chang

This word is very, very interesting elysian, just like many others of similar quality, happens to have a noun form and an adjective form. Depending on context, it could either refer to the Ancient Greek afterlife or just something which is happy or beautiful.

Looking Deeper

Delving into its Greek origins, elysian was mainly used to describe the home of the blessed after death. Hence an ‘elysian field’.

Nowadays however, this word is used slightly different. Just like orphic, elysian has lost its specific niche and grew to become an adjective used to describe anything that is in a state of serenity and happiness.

Using ‘elysian’ in a Sentence

Personally, I would prefer this over words like ‘beautiful’ or ‘happy’. Since it has multiple meanings, elysian may just be the best adjective to use without seeming overly wordy.

Maybe we can even get away with replacing the word ‘hell’ with elysian in certain scenarios…Who knows?

“The elysian meadows flowed with wildflowers and sunlight.”

Photo by Cam James on Unsplash



Vincent W. C.
The Afterglow Publication

high school student | lover of literary things | imagining sisyphus happy ._.