The Andela Way Weekly Digest

Edwin Kato
The Andela Way
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3 min readFeb 22, 2018

Dear esteemed reader,

Warm greetings from all the folks here at The Andela way. We hope that you are in great shape and that you are learning something new each day.

We have picked up steam in the previous weeks and now more than ever we have the very best content both technical and otherwise. In this episode of the digest, we bring you a bit of both and hope that you are as inspired as we were by the content in each of these articles.

Humans of Andela

Andela: We believe in people

Andela is building the future by changing two things about the way we hire people. There are two core principles for Andela’s Talent team that we believe drive success. Find out what these are in this interesting piece by Andela’s VP of Talent.

Andela — 3 months on, 3 short stories & 3 lessons learnt

Ever wondered what it feels like to be part of the Andela team, check out this amazing article from Mercy Orangi about her experience with Andela after just 3 months in.

2017 In Review: Finally Going Somewhere

Collins is living proof that when you set your mind on something and work towards it, you can eventually make it a reality. His passion, dedication and resilience are a lesson for many. Click the link above to find out more.

Latest stories

A Random Javascript Q and A

When I started learning Javascript, I found it a little overwhelming at the beginning and very confusing. This Q and A attempts to answer some of these questions.

Beginner’s Guide to Redux

Redux is one of the most used libraries in front-end development and has gained this popularity because of its lightweight performance, its simplicity, small size (only 2 KB) and great documentation…

Foundations of Machine Learning : Singular Value Decomposition (SVD)

Singular Value Decomposition(SVD) is one of the most widely used Unsupervised learning algorithms, that is at the...

Getting started with OpenCV and Python

OpenCV (Open Source Computer Vision Library) is an open source computer vision and machine learning software library. OpenCV was built to provide a common infrastructure for computer vision applications and to accelerate the use of machine perception in the commercial products. Being a BSD-licensed product, OpenCV makes it easy for businesses to utilize and modify the code.

How To Structure a React Native App For Scale

Let’s discuss an approach to architecting large React Native applications — a great one i suppose.

That’s all we have for you this week, remember it’s never too late for you to build the character that you want the world to remember you for.

