Serving Static Files with the Angel Framework

Angel is a full-featured, full-stack, server-side framework for Dart language that has been in version 1 since early 2017. One of its main goals is to provide a wide range of functionality out-of-the-box. Thus, Angel ships a static file serving…

Using WebSockets with Angel Services

WebSockets are a common way to implement real-time data transfer between clients and servers, and Angel has tailored support for it. Today, we will build a simple application where users drop bombs (really just send an action to a service over WebSockets), and are…

Announcing Angel v1.0.0-beta!

After almost a year of development, the Angel framework has finally reached public beta. The API’s are just about stable, and you can rev up and take the framework out for a spin. Thanks so much to everyone who has shown interest in the project in the past months. Without your…

Building a Simple File Upload App with Angel

Google’s Dart language is awesome. After using JavaScript for about a year, I felt suffocated by its chaotic environment and endless flood of dependencies. Dart is not only immune to this problem, but also as a language contains many notable…