What Will You Let Go Of Next?

Janette Valentino
The Artful Journey
Published in
3 min readAug 14, 2017

Letting Go. It is a common theme in my coaching and certainly in my own life and in the lives of those around me. It’s one that can feel challenging at times and one that can be so very powerful when we allow it. I know from experience that our lives become richer and richer the more familiar with we are with this concept and more importantly, the more we use it.

One of the best indicators of knowing it’s time to let go of something is when you feel stuck. Stuck-ness means something is there that doesn’t need to be — perhaps it’s an expectation, some thought that isn’t serving you at all or some truth that you are resisting seeing.

I am constantly inviting my clients to discover what they want more of in life. And no matter what they want more of, I know that there will be something to let go of in the process of getting to that more. In creating the lives we want, we must constantly be assessing and re-assessing. We can constantly ask ourselves, ‘what’s working here and what’s not working?

I know that some people look at things not working and see this as a sure sign that they are doing something wrong or that they aren’t ‘there’ yet. I see it as an opportunity to wake up and start making conscious choices about where we are and where we want to be. When we see and admit what’s not working, we can let go — sometimes gradually — in order to let in more of what IS working or more of what we want. So when we aren’t ‘there’ yet, we are getting the opportunity to let go of what we don’t need in order to move toward that ‘there’.

Sometimes it may feel that to let go is to give up control, and in a way that is true. However, think about what it feels like when you’re trying to force things (or a person or relationship) to be a certain way. Can you feel it? Things feel tight and tense. There is little room for growth and learning. As we let go of those things that are no longer serving us, there is space — for a new way to do something, or a new empowering thought, or for a truth for us to accept.

When we call in the Letting Go concept, we are calling in more ease and understanding. Instead of being caught up in the way things have always been or how we think they ‘should’ be, we are giving ourselves the chance to connect with all the possibility that is out there — new ways of thinking and being that we aren’t even aware of yet. Doesn’t that sound exciting?

So as we ease out of the summer months, be on the lookout for the things you can let go of. Are you feeling stuck in a particular area right now? If so, what might you need to let go of in order to move forward? Are you thinking things ‘should’ be different or perhaps a person ‘should’ be different? What might happen if you let go of those expectations? What might be on the other side of those? I know…lots of questions. Just take them one at a time. Use this time to go a bit deeper and see what wants to happen once you let go of all you no longer need.

All Mood Lady images drawn by Debra Valentino.

Read more about this Artful Journey concept — Letting Go.

Want to know what it looks like when someone is actually living this concept? Read A Story of Letting Go.

Who are the Mood Ladies?



Janette Valentino
The Artful Journey

Personal & Professional Development Coach who is sparked by Creative & Conscious work, play & life.