9 Life-Changing Lessons I Learned From 9 Years In Martial Arts

From a shy kid to a confident entrepreneur.

Alvin Ang
Ascent Publication


Alvin Ang Instagram

The picture of me on the left was taken when I was 15 years old.

I led what is best described as an aimless existence. Most of my early teenage years were spent lounging around with boys as lost and as I was. We had nothing in mind aside from a vague desire to fritter away the hours till the next day begins anew.

The picture of me on the right was taken when I turned 20.

I had just won my second mixed-martial-arts fight, and I celebrated by vacationing in northern Malaysia for a week. I met a beautiful, doe-eyed girl during my stay and promptly fell in love. We would be in a committed long-distance relationship for years.

2020 marks the 9th year since I picked up martial arts.

I can hardly remember what it felt like to be me pre-martial arts. I can recall some facts:

  • I was a shy kid more comfortable reading books and playing video games than chasing girls or playing sports.
  • I didn’t click with most of my peers.
  • I hated school — and maths class in particular, with a passion. I didn’t understand the logic of suffering through years…

