A Day in the Life of a Full-Time Digital Nomad Writer

Follow me on a typical, simple day overseas.

Alix A.
Ascent Publication


Photo by João Marinho on Unsplash

My daily life feels like a permanent vacation. Except it’s not. I certainly work less than the usual 9–5, but I also don’t spend my days sipping margaritas on a beach bed. My days are actually much more interesting than that.

I am a writer. A digital nomad. A full-time traveler. A 23-year-old woman trying to find balance, to grasp reality through mindfulness, to live a meaningful life, all this right now in Playa del Carmen, Mexico. Last month I was in Lisbon, Portugal, and in a little less than a week, I will be in a small dreamy village in Costa Rica.

Today, I started my day as usual, with a cup of black coffee and some reading. This was followed by a long walk on the beach, the foamy water meeting my bare feet, the first rays of the sun giving my lightly tanned skin a golden glow. But soon after, I was sitting behind my laptop, typing up my first articles of the day.

Let’s shed some light on the myth.

Here’s what a full-time writer/digital nomad’s daily life really looks like.

Getting My Two Morning Hours

Most people I know wake up, at best, 30 minutes before stepping out the door. They jump out of bed…



Alix A.
Ascent Publication

I write about feeling good in one's body and mind.