Putting Free Back in Freelancing

My new take on the gig industry

Kayla Peart
Ascent Publication


Photo by Becca Tapert on Unsplash

You probably read the title and thought I’m crazy, right? Charge what you’re worth is like a battle cry. It’s the first thing that’s taught in any Freelance Writing 101 course. I’m not here to change the waves of a tried-and-true method — and I’m not talking about monetary values. It’s a new (more like renewed) approach to instill better trust in this revenue stream.

My past thoughts on freelancing

A couple of years ago, I wrote an article (and then another) about my early years of freelance writing. I’ll be honest, at the time, I was frustrated. Taking a look in my drafts folder, I saw a lot of half-finished pieces about my struggles with it. My mindset was stuck in get-rich-quick mode because I entered the writing game late.

I grappled with choosing another passion to follow, that being jewelry design. I won’t say I was overwhelming in love with that choice, but I wasn’t sure if I could make it as a writer. Especially when my dad told me at a young age it wasn’t a viable career.

Everywhere I looked, others succeeded where I failed. They had no problem landing clients, gaining notoriety, and building a career.

I decided to publish those pieces, despite feeling afraid. I didn’t want to…



Kayla Peart
Ascent Publication

Wandering through life and wondering about it. Storyteller & poet. Subscribe today for a bit of brightness in your inbox: https://moonflwr.substack.com/