What Do You Need to Reach Success?

Stefan James
Ascent Publication
Published in
4 min readApr 4, 2019

I want to give everyone the formula to success. It is everyone’s right to experience the life they want and understand what abundance is.

But success doesn’t come by luck or even naturally. Of course, that always helps. But usually, it requires hard work, massive action and steps to help get to the goals you really want and deserve.

What do you need to reach success? I believe that these are the five things that will help you get to the level you want in your life and to move into your full potential.

5 Steps to Success

Step 1: Set Your Vision and Commit To It

If you really want to reach success, then start with your vision. Your purpose is the one thing you need to move forward and get the results you want. When you set a vision and mission in place, it changes your approach each day, creating passion and a sense of purpose that can’t be taken away.

It’s important that you not only set your vision in place but also that you commit to the vision you set. Don’t back away from what you believe in or what you believe your purpose to be. When you commit to what you believe about yourself and who you want to be, you will find that it starts to significantly change your life.

Step 2: Set Goals

If I didn’t have goals, it would minimize my ability to reach success. I know that the goals I have set have allowed me to move from $1 to $1000 to millions. It helps with setting milestones and allowing you to measure the results you really want. Make sure you set long term and short term goals.

It’s not only important to set goals just to hold yourself accountable. It helps you to feel like you are taking strides toward your vision. As you set more goals, you will believe in who you are and what you are doing. This will begin to immediately transform you and help you believe more in your success by seeing instant results and measuring what you have decided to do.

Step 3: Take Massive Action

Every day, you need to take action. If you don’t do one thing each day to move forward, then you won’t reach the success you want. Make sure you take massive action and find the results you want, specifically so you can build your next steps to your dreams.

What do I mean by massive action? I mean daily and weekly goals. That means going the extra mile, working past roadblocks and finding the solutions that lead to success. When you focus on massive action, you are constantly looking at how to improve what you are doing.

Step 4: Celebrate Success

Too often, we get stuck in the things that don’t work. We always think that it is better to beat ourselves up from the things that aren’t moving forward. As you do this, you stop yourself from doing what you want. Instead, celebrate your successes. Even if they are small, you deserve to look at the momentum you are building.

This step is important not only to acknowledge what you are doing. It’s also important because it is our greatest teacher. When we celebrate success, we trigger a part of our mind that responds to things that feel good. It creates a biological response. The more we celebrate, the more we will achieve. That’s because we like that feeling and will continue to move forward in the same way. This means you can grab a hold of success and make it a habit.

Step 5: Join a Mastermind and Work with Mentors

I know that if I didn’t have mentors and successful individuals surrounding me, then my level of success would be different. When you start a mastermind group, it is easy for you to build new levels of success while connecting to others that are a part of your vision.

Connect to like minds and build the success you want by leveraging the power of others for your success. I’ve used formulas such as The Knowledge Business Blueprint to identify the best ways to be a part of a mastermind. I’ve also worked with several mentors that I know can help me build my business and overcome obstacles.

With these five simple steps, you will get the results that you want and maximize your success. By continuing to set a vision, goals, action items and using the help of others, you are guaranteeing your own success and working your way toward the solutions you want to live your best life.



Stefan James
Ascent Publication

I’m a life and online business strategist dedicated to helping you create freedom and master your life. To learn more, go to: http://www.projectlifemastery.com