Why You Should Join A Global Community

6 ways to grow your network, knowledge, and self-worth

Meredith Gaffney
Ascent Publication
8 min readApr 16, 2020


Photo by Artem Beliaikin on Unsplash

Now, perhaps more than ever, we need each other. We need the support of individuals and communities to keep moving forward together — despite the stark reality tearing us apart.

The events of 2020 have made it vividly clear that we are all, in fact, global citizens. We’ve seen that the action or inaction of segments of our population can impact those thousands of miles away — in unimaginable ways. Not only are we responsible for proactively protecting our collective health and safety, but also for improving each other’s lives, in any way we can.

While many aspects of daily life have changed or ceased, we can still turn to the internet for the motivation and inspiration we crave. We can rally around our computers and pull up virtual seats alongside our neighbors and fascinating people around the world. Collectively and across borders, we can share hardships, victories, ask questions and learn from each other’s diverse experiences.

Interconnectivity and globalization can prove hugely beneficial — if we harness their power for good. The more we regard society as a global entity, the more we can find and create ways to thrive, together, as a planet. Whether it be solving complex environmental problems or developing vaccines and life-saving treatments, we are stronger together.

Reaching across borders isn’t limited to government officials or experts in high-ranking positions, all of us can do our part and get involved globally. I’ve outlined some of the best online (and typically, offline), international communities working hard to enhance our lives, and society, through a shared interest, business idea, difficulty, skill, meal, and more.

Creative Mornings

One of the largest, worldwide communities for creative people — all of us.

Image Courtesy of Creativemornings.com

Tina Roth Eisenberg started Creative Mornings, a free, breakfast speaker series, in Brooklyn, NY, back in 2008. She hasn’t paused to catch her breath since. Thanks to Tina’s vision and the support of hundreds of volunteer leaders, there are more than 200 chapters, in 65 countries, around the world.

One Friday morning every month, curious and creative people get together to share ideas, stories and of course, breakfast. Speakers range from authors to musicians, to designers, chefs and everything in between. Each month, one chapter picks a theme for all others to focus their talks on — uniting the global community. The events are always free and open to everyone. All you need to do is register!

Ever-evolving, Creative Mornings also has a podcast, blog and job board to further help the community succeed across numerous professions, passions and causes.

As a member of the NYC chapter, I frequently attended the speaker series, before I moved abroad. The people I met and the lessons I learned, all contributed to my decision to leave my familiar life behind, in pursuit of a life worth living, in Italy.

Currently, in April 2020, the events are, of course, held virtually. For a quick intro to the group, check out the Creative Mornings manifesto below:

Everyone is creative.

A creative life requires bravery and action, honesty and hard work. We are here to support you, celebrate with you, and encourage you to make the things you love.

We believe in the power of community. We believe in giving a damn. We believe in face-to-face connections, in learning from others, in hugs and high fives.

We bring together people who are driven by passion and purpose, confident that they will inspire one another, and inspire change in neighborhoods and cities around the world.

Everyone is welcome.

The Mighty

Founder Mike Porath started The Mighty, a digital health support community after his 2-year-old daughter was diagnosed with a rare disease.

Now, with over 2 million users, The Mighty and its 300 non-profit partners provide knowledge and support to people who are suffering around the world.

Members can connect and safely exchange stories of rare diseases, mental and physical disabilities, and varied other afflictions. The Mighty helps members deal with mental health questions, depression, and suicide prevention, personally and professionally.

Partnering with groups like DoSomething.org, The Mighty also brings social change to young people through anti-bullying initiatives, and support groups that improve the lives of countless students across the world.

A member’s honest testimony from The Mighty’s website gives you a snapshot into what the incredible community is all about:

“How is it that I read an essay on The Mighty and it is the only place in the world where I feel truly understood? Time and time again you speak to me through your contributors. I read this headline and it could have come from my very lips…I wanted to say thank you — words can never express how truly grateful I am to the author for sharing her story, for all Mighty contributors, and to The Mighty itself. You have changed my life. I have made a close friend who lives many miles away because of our shared pain. I gain insight every day and I finally, finally do not feel so alone in this world. Thank you. Bless you!”

Travel Massive

If you work in the travel or tourism industries, in any capacity, you need to be part of the Travel Massive global community.

Image Courtesy of TravelMassive.com

Join over 50,000 members from 165 chapters around the world, to connect over travel topics, destinations, cultures, both online and offline. You can network with entrepreneurs, start-ups, and industry vets from multi-national companies like Expedia, Booking.com, Intrepid Travel, and more.

Travel Massive chapters host monthly events, as well as a plethora of online webinars to participate in, no matter where your busy schedule may take you.

An online forum allows members to discuss wide-ranging topics and seek help from the network, while the marketplace is a great place to hunt for jobs or partnership opportunities. They also have a podcast, covering events and travel industry news.

Image Courtesy of The Author

I had the pleasure of meeting Ian Cumming, the founder of Travel Massive, in 2019 at the Berlin Travel Festival. A passionate traveler, and an engineer by trade, Ian built the entire online platform for Travel Massive himself — and is always finding ways to improve it, and the community.

Since joining the community in early 2019, I’ve attended numerous webinars, participated in forums and connected with interesting industry professionals from around the world. I check-in often to peruse partnership opportunities and stay abreast of various issues the world of travel is facing. There’s always something exciting going on at Travel Massive.


Some of you reading this are keenly aware of the power of Medium — you’re already members or writers. Others, however, may be unfamiliar with one of the only media platforms centered around people and original ideas — not ads.

Medium is equally beneficial for curious readers as it is for new and veteran writers. With a minimalist design and easy-to-navigate platform, Medium empowers readers to get straight to what they’re looking for, without the distraction of ads, gimmicks, and promotions.

All articles (like this one), are cleanly formatted to optimize your reading experience. An easy to navigate homepage, customizable interests, and reading lists, all help you keep track of the stories you’re interested in. Writers also enjoy the benefits of highly functional design. Creating stories, series or just commenting on other articles is simple, fast and rewarding.

Enrolling in the Medium partner program allows you to earn money for your stories. A complex algorithm of article views, minutes, fans, and followers dictates exactly how much you earn. Good writing leads to high engagement (typically via curation) — which leads to high-income potential.

Whether you’re an avid reader or aspiring writer, Medium can help you grow your knowledge and skills.

Eat With

Hungry? Eat With is the global community that will feed you — no matter your taste.

Image Courtesy of Eatwith.com

With over 25,000 hosts in 130 countries, you can find a home-cooked, authentic meal in far-flung cities, as well as right in your backyard.

Hosts post their meals, neighborhood location, and available spots on the easy-to-use EatWith calendar. Diners can check reviews and comments, then sign-up with their number of guests. Confirmation emails and notifications follow, along with directions and any other questions regarding allergies, etc.

Every city offers unique cuisines, festive meals, indoor and outdoor venues, and often-times beverage pairings. Partake in a fancy brunch, or join hosts for a casual evening of wood-fired pizza and wine.

As a guest, you will not only satisfy your stomach, but you can also expand your mind. Learn about various cultures by connecting with international attendees and locals, all while eating a homecooked meal. Make friends while you gain insider-knowledge about your current destination or new countries you never even considered visiting.


Founded in 2002, Meetup is the original social networking platform enabling anyone to start and join groups, about virtually anything.

Image Courtesy of Meetup.com

Originally created to virtually connect people to meet-up in person, the platform can now be used to facilitate both physical and virtual events — around the world.

Meetup is truly universal. The platform has 35+ million members in over 200 countries, across thousands of cities and towns big and small. With hundreds of thousands of groups to join, you can easily find and interact with people from all walks of life.

Whether you’re new to a city, interested in learning something new or looking to start an activist group — Meetup can help. You can join free and paid events ranging from joining a marathon, to language exchange, and photography masterclasses.

I’ve personally used the platform for many years — to attend wine tasting events, food discussions, city-walks, and more. You too can utilize Meetup for personal growth, or professional development — the possibilities are endless.



Meredith Gaffney
Ascent Publication

Founder of GrapeRevival.com, a natural wine & travel brand. I write about life lessons, personal growth, ex-pat life, & wine. Always curious. In Bologna, Italy.