Go to The Author’s Lounge
The Author’s Lounge
The Author’s Lounge is a place you can go when you’re looking for a place to belong. We won’t edit or change your work. There are no niches here, so email theauthorslounge@aol.com with your username to get on the writer’s list! Once you’re approved, go ahead and submit away!
Note from the editor

The Author’s Lounge is a place you can go when you’re looking for a place to belong. We won’t edit or change your work. There are no niches here, so email theauthorslounge@aol.com with your username to get on the writer’s list! Once you’re approved, go ahead and submit away!

Go to the profile of Jess
I write whatever comes to mind| Founding editor of The Author's Lounge| I like puppies and sunshine|
Go to the profile of Jess
I write whatever comes to mind| Founding editor of The Author's Lounge| I like puppies and sunshine|
Go to the profile of Amanda Rice
Amanda Rice
I’m just another sucker in a land full of lollipops.
Go to the profile of Yasser
Wellness through art.
Go to the profile of Deepali
On a journey of 𝒔𝒆𝒍𝒇-𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒖𝒂𝒍𝒊𝒛𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏. I write about transformation and self-empowerment. ✨️
Go to the profile of Brian Zhang
Brian Zhang
I write about the mental health challenges musicians face in their careers, and help provide tips, advice and lessons on how to overcome these challenges
Go to the profile of NanoTechie
The Everyday Technology Blog. I cover topics about Technology, Entrepreneurship, AWS Cloud. https://nanotechie.com/
Go to the profile of Michael Vorhis
Michael Vorhis
Born and raised in California, USA. Freethinker. Lover of words. Someday, I hope to live and write in peace.
Go to the profile of Okhifun Emma
Okhifun Emma
On a journey through self-discovery to personal development. If that sounds like something you are into, join me.