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The Awl
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ACORN Dead — Now Let’s Get the League of Women Voters!

ACORN is dead! Thank God! Now the right will have to go after some other group that helps the disgusting poor and works to raise the minimum wage and registers BROWN PEOPLE to vote.

The Law Of Unintended Consequences

Jason Linkins notes a happy byproduct of the “Defund Acorn” act: “In its zeal to quickly and unthinkingly get on the side of hammering ACORN for its recent transgressions, Congress passed the Defund ACORN Act, a measure written so broadly that it could apply to just…

How Many Of Your Tax Dollars Go To ACORN?

Do you know how much federal funding ACORN gets? On average, $3.1 million a year. Over 15 years, that’s like the kind of pork money our fine government spent on that stupid volcano monitoring program! It’s also half as much as the money ACORN helped poor…