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The Awl
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Please Let America Be Free of Piers Morgan

I don’t mind being wrongly smeared with all this #Hackgate stuff, I’d just rather it wasn’t done by liars, druggie ex-bankrupts and conmen.Wed Jul 27 11:37:54 via web

Eliot Spitzer and Dim Bulb To Have Terrible Nightly CNN Show

Starting in September, love guv Eliot Spitzer is now your TV chitchat host on the CNN at 8 p.m. every night (that hour when you don’t watch TV). He’s been partnered with a lady. That lady is Kathleen Parker. She is not…

Poll: “Blacks Not Particularly Optimistic About Future”

“Poll: Blacks optimistic about future.” Let’s look at CNN’s exciting new poll numbers!

CNN: “Thirty-nine percent of African-Americans said the ‘situation of black people in this country’ is better than it was…