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The Awl
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Your Ebola Halloween Costume: A User’s Guide

So you’re doing “Ebola” for your halloween costume this year. You’ve found a topical novelty outfit online, or maybe you’ve just purchased some cheap and readily available medical clothing, knowing that your peers will have no problem guessing what…

The American Ebola Story

This is the App Store ranking history for an app called Plague Inc. It’s a game in which players design and deploy…

“Calm Down,” the Movie, Part II

The White House Briefing Room would have been empty if the remaining reporters had anywhere to go. It was the fourth scheduled press conference that had come and gone without so much as a knock on the barricaded door. Before the TVs went out, things seemed to be slowing…

Up Next: Flying Ebola

“Fears are growing that the most lethal form of the Ebola virus can mutate into an airborne pathogen, making the spread of the terrifying disease more difficult to check. It was previously thought the untreatable virus, which causes massive internal bleeding and multiple organ failure…