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The Awl
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The Text of the “DSK Maid” Defamation Filing

Here’s the complaint that the Sofitel chambermaid filed against the New York Post today. It’s very short, and it only elaborates the Post’s statements; it makes no mention of the paper’s reporting or its attempts to verify facts, so they’re not…

Marty Singer’s Letter From Demi Moore to Perez Hilton

Earlier we were discussing celebrity attorney Marty Singer’s letter-writing skills. Here, for instance, is one for you to read! It is a response he wrote after the Demi Moore-Perez Hilton dustup, in which Demi called Perez a…

Ratings Agencies Sued Over Top Ratings For Crap

Extremely enjoying this lawsuit filed by the California Public Employees Retirement System. Their beef? They bought into “structured investment vehicles” which were given AAA ratings by Moody’s and Standard and Poors. It is not a terrible point? I…