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The Awl
The Awl
Be less stupid.
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Meet Stanislaw Burzynski

If you haven’t yet heard of him over the years, Stanislaw Burzynski operates a clinic in Houston where he runs pay-per-entry “clinical trials” for people with cancer for something called antineoplaston therapy. People spent thousands and thousands of dollars to enter these trials. And…

The #1 Way to Not Use Your Laptop

Helpful hint: Don’t file-share child pornography on your laptop, law firm partners. Probably don’t do it on any other computer/in any other profession either?

An Entire Crop Of New Lawyers Gets Laid Off (And Well Severanced)

Law firm Fish & Richardson just deferred two-thirds of their incoming first-year associates. That’s pretty bad! Though don’t feel terrible for them. Half those kids are all getting paid $5000 a month for a year to not…