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The Awl
Be less stupid.
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Gay Games Starts… Anonymously

The Gay Games are starting tomorrow in Germany… and pretty much everyone there is traveling under a pseudonym. Especially Mexico’s big gay soccer team.

Tribune CEO Totally Changing the Game

I’m not totally opposed to the list of words and phrases banned by for use on WGN radio by Tribune CEO Randy Michaels (a gentleman just described by a former Tribune employee as “crazy/evil.”) Some of his banned words are clearly just weird pet peeves of his…

New Word Rates In Journalism: 60% of 1 Penny

Job Description:
 • Write articles (20 articles within 5 days).
 • Min 500 words for each article.
 • This project should be completed within 5 days.
 • You only will be pay total of $60USD upon completion of all articles.
 • 100% correct punctuation…

The Gay Divorce Has Traditionally Been the Disposal of Property

To be fair, I was hard on the life of the sexless straight man this morning, so let us also consider the horrible, sad breakups of the gays, regarding which you should really watch this slideshow about the…