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The Awl
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Visiting Bradley Manning

Five months in the brig, with no certain date for a hearing, in “maximum custody”: a report on visiting Bradley Manning: “In my visit to see Bradley at the Quantico brig, it became clear that the Pentagon’s public spin from last week sharply contradicts the reality of Bradley…

The Way We Define Torture Now

Strong stuff: “Eric Holder and Barack Obama have taken pains to tell the American people that water-boarding is illegal torture. So what? That’s just their opinion. President Bush disagrees. The persistent failure to hold anyone accountable at any level for years of…

Breaking! My Torture Investigation Is Concluded

FOR GENERAL RELEASE: Merely 20 or so minutes (approximately two cigarettes) after the announcement of a Justice Department investigation into whether there should be an investigation of CIA torture, I have completed my review of documents and…

Cheney Denied By White House On Memos

“The Obama administration has turned down former Vice President Dick Cheney’s request for the declassification of two CIA reports on the effectiveness of the Agency’s detainee program.” These memos are currently being reviewed in two different Freedom of…