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The Awl
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Tweet On Yo Face Enables You To Do Just That

This adorable hack takes people’s tweets and puts them onto their pics, so they look cuter when you post them on your Tumblr.

Tumblr Invents Yet Another Business Model

For a dollar, Tumblr will let you “highlight” your own Tumblr posts, which then… puts a sticker on the post that lets people know it’s extra-important. Among the more negative (and not profane) comments are “This is actually ridiculous. Why would I even do…

It’s “Everyone Hates Tumblr” Day :(

Rough day in new-media-land too: Tumblr’s getting it from all sides, for pretty much extorting a developer — threatening to shut down his personal sites because they don’t like a popular browser extension he made — and for not working well with fashion communities…