50 WORDs

He said “Welcome” Which Was a Nice Change

Thrifty Words Challenge #12: Pussy

Damian Clarke
The Bad Influence
Published in
Nov 19, 2020


An old-fashioned engraving of ornately uniformed and mustached Baden soldiers with pointy helmets. Some also have plumes!
Members of the Political Unrest Suppression Specialist Yeomanry (Photo by British Library on Unsplash)

The RSM shouted his introduction.

You are here because you are the elite and we are a new, elite, specialist force. Welcome to the Political Unrest Suppression Specialist Yeomanry!

Greenaway — because it’s always Greenaway — raised his hand.

Sir. Did anyone check the name with marketing before it was approved, sir?

Copyright © Damian Clarke 2020.

On Medium, Damian Clarke writes for The Bad Influence and An Idea, 97 Things I Learned as a Stay-at-Home Dad and Our Albion. In the outside world, he writes for The Fifth Estate, The Green List, various other publications from time-to-time, and a range of corporate clients.



Damian Clarke
The Bad Influence

I’m a writer and publisher working in Sydney, Australia and London, UK. I specialise in finance, technology, insurance, property, medicine and sustainability.