50 words/100 words

Trigger Warning

Thrifty Words 100 Challenge #29 & Fifty Words Challenge #50: Triggered

Image license free from Pexels

Triggered is a word oft made fun of. I’ve made fun of it.

I’ve said Triggered is the new name for my band. But we can never perform because someone is always storming off or crying in the corner. (I’m not in a band, so all of the above only applies to me)

When I posted that joke on Facebook, I lost friends. They told me I wasn’t a safe person.

Maybe I’m not. I don’t know. The joke was funny to me. I was making fun of myself. I wasn’t wearing psychological blackface. I have triggers. And I’ve been triggered.

I spent all of yesterday, starting at 7 a.m. drunk because I was triggered. I’m drinking far too often, far too early in the day. Because I was and remain triggered.

You can read about it here if you haven’t already.

I wasn’t even sure I’d be able to get the challenge prompt out. I let my editorial team know what was going on with me.

I’m a fucking mess y’all. I’m not only in emotional flashback, but I’m flashing back to instances of sexual abuse I didn’t even remember. Date rapes, spousal rapes (not Keith - my youngest daughters dad). There’s still things I know…



Jonica Bradley (Am I paranoid or RU following me?)
The Bad Influence

Writer/Painter/Poet/Believes in magic/nature/prays to unicorns/goat expert/bee farmer/mental health advocate/C-PTSD/human rights advocate/coolest person ever