Go to The Badlands
The Badlands
The Badlands (taken from Bruce Springsteen’s hit “Badlands”) is an attempt to engage with the narratives around us — to pull back the undergrowth of the paths we find, no matter how meaningless they appear.
Note from the editor

The Badlands (taken from Bruce Springsteen’s hit “Badlands”) is an attempt to engage with the narratives around us — to pull back the undergrowth of the paths we find, no matter how meaningless they appear.

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Reid Belew
Some brimstone baritone anti-cyclone rolling stone preacher from the East.
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Melissa K. Hite
I do not mean to be clever although I do mean to be clever on 2nd thought and like to be clever & want to be considered so. (Flannery O'Connor)
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