How I Make $2,000 Each Month Writing Competitive Articles

This is my simple process

Christopher Kokoski
The Bald Writer


Colored fish and bubbles — How I Make $2,000 Each Month Writing Competitive Articles
Image by the Author using Jasper Art and Canva

I make a healthy income from writing competitive articles.

Some people think that making money online is a pipe dream. But I’m here to tell you that it’s not only possible but also (relatively) easy.

Or, at least, accessible to most people.

If you know a few strategies and you’re willing to put in the work, you can probably do it, too.

And in this post, I’ll show you exactly how.

What Is A Competitive Article?

Competitive articles are written pieces that cover topics with a lot of interest and already a high amount of content written about them.

Authoritative companies are competing for the top spots on Google.

If you’re on the hunt for some great examples, look no further than the top players in your niche.

Chances are you’ll find full articles, lengthy reports, and engaging videos discussing those key topics. With more topics being generated each day, the types of competitive articles you can write will grow greatly over time.

For instance, if a company launches something groundbreaking.

That’s sure to be discussed by many industry experts through various forms of rich content.

It can really prime the pump for upcoming trends and thoughts on what’s coming up next. These types of articles have an opportunity to make waves and generate conversation amongst readers.

They provide valuable insight into newer developments and products entering the marketplace.

Simple summary: Competitive articles are just that — competitive.

If The Topics Are So Damn Competitive, How Does That Help Me?

Honesty time.

Competitive topics probably won’t help you on Google.

Writing on highly competitive topics can be a very lucrative venture, but if you want to make a steady monthly income, it’s important to find the right balance.

For me, that means finding the right platform and topic.

Instead of competing with the “big players” in my industry who have greater resources and influence than I do, I focus on writing about their topics in an area where I have a better chance of success.

By doing this, I can still write interesting content while avoiding the burden of going head-to-head in fights I can’t win.

For example, let’s say there’s a certain novel that everyone has been talking about lately. In this case, it would be nearly impossible for me to compete against major news outlets that employ teams of writers specialized in literary criticism.

Plus, those platforms already have a loyal readership built in.

It’s much more likely that I’ll get traction by focusing on the same topics elsewhere.

On platforms such as Quora or Reddit — prime examples of small ponds when compared to larger media organizations — I can talk about a specific element or aspect from the book which will likely resonate with readers because it’s an original take on something familiar or topical at the moment.

You can also use other platforms (like this one *wink wink*).

Even though I’m not fishing in the same pond as larger competitors, I’m still able to reap rewards from my content creations while uncovering potential new opportunities along the way.

All without feeling overwhelmed by competing against more established players in my space.

Simple summary: Find a competitive topic and then write about it on a less competitive platform.

OK, But How Do I Write a Competitive Article and Make Money?

Here’s the blueprint:

  1. Find a highly competitive and traffic-heavy topic
  2. Write a really good and entertaining article
  3. Post it on a less competitive platform (like this one)

Finding competitive topics is like a treasure hunt — you just gotta know where to look!

With tools like Google autocomplete and keyword research apps such as Ahrefs and RankIQ, it’s totally within reach. First off, I type in a few relevant search words into the keyword tool of my choice.

For example, crypto, relationships, or popular tech.

If a topic presents itself with high search volume and high competition, bingo-bango — that’s the golden ticket.

You can filter for both variables (search volume and authoritative websites). I usually look for at least 1K monthly searches but the more the better.

Once I have this valuable nugget of knowledge, I take the topic to a less competitive platform (like this one).

I don’t want to compete on Google.

From here, I am ready to start brainstorming and writing an article on the chosen topic that covers everything from published research reports to personal reflection.

An effective piece should also contain an even mixture of:

  • Images
  • Videos
  • Links

I like to make sure there’s a combo of helpfulness, accuracy, research, and entertainment in every article I write.

Of course, researching further on the topic is key in making sure that these thoughts are backed up with reliable sources and information — accuracy always shines through.

Then there is the money part…

How I Make Money With Competitive Articles

Writing competitive articles has been an effective way for me to make money without having to compete on larger platforms.

On my portfolio of websites, I earn through display ads and affiliate marketing.

That doesn’t work on some of these less competitive platforms.

However, I’ve found that by focusing on topics that are high-interest and in popular categories, I can get readers engaging with my content.

This helps increase my “read time.”

And read time equals revenue on a few of these *cough — unnamed — cough* platforms.

Additionally, I sometimes include affiliate marketing links in my pieces which brings in an extra source of income when people click through to other products or articles via the link they find here.

The key for me, though, is reading time.

Simple summary: Find a high-traffic, high-competition topic on Google and then write a good article about it on a less competitive platform. Earn money through read time and affiliate marketing.

Final Thoughts

Making money writing about high-interest topics on less competitive platforms is almost a no-brainer. It’s nice and simple if you have the chops for it.

If you know how to find great topics, then you’re in business.

You can write about almost anything your heart desires as long as you bring an engaging approach to it and don’t phone it in.

All it takes is some research, creativity, and a bit of wit.

Luck doesn’t hurt, either.

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Christopher Kokoski
The Bald Writer

Endlessly curious| proud word nerd| Don’t miss my next article — sign up to my Medium email list: